Monday, September 1, 2014

Hot and dry

Yep. It's been hot and dry this week. Not good for seedlings. Even the established plants get wilty late in the day. Use it or lose it. Water, that is. Watering is, hands down, my least favorite gardening task. But I hate losing plants more so I get up early to get it done before the heat and humidity crank up.

Tomatoes, okra and herbs are reliable now. We have a bowl of field peas ready for tomorrow and potatoes from early summer and a little zucchini in the freezer. Keeping things varied gets hard toward the end of every season. Hoping for green beans soon and field peas to follow. Spinach has germinated (yay). I look closely every morning for signs  lettuce is sprouting. Mustard looks good, turnips look good, beets are a bust. Broccoli and cabbage are on go for transplanting soon.

Seed saving. Just do it. These are Celia's seed progeny from the 1940's. Hell yes! If I can do it you can too.  Do. It. 
And that's the news from Biggie's Garden where all the women are strong (in one way or another), the children are smart and interesting, and the man is indispensable.

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