Cold mornings and shirt sleeve afternoons are the way of our early southern Spring. The past two Fall seasons I've planted daffodils that bloom just in time. Just in time to lift the spirits, delight the eye and bring relief from the brown that dominates winter. They are a mighty fine distraction and remind us that warmer days are coming.
Bulbs of the edible variety have come on strong this year due to timely rains. Felder Rushing, advises in "The North Carolina Fruit and Vegetable Book" that garlic needs an inch of rain per week. This year's crop is amazing compared to last year's harvest, assuming there are garlic bulbs growing beneath those greens. I planted them in September and October and am hoping for a harvest that will carry me forward into next winter.
Felder has his own website
www.felderrushing.net that is informative and fun. What I want to know is how a Mississipian came to co-author a book on North Carolina gardening?