Menologically speaking it's Fall. But here in the Land Down Under USA it's still summer and what a beautiful fummer it is-cool mornings and warm afternoons with Carolina blue skies. Take that for all that heat, humidity and frizzy hair of August (and this year September). Thanks for the break Mother Nature, we were really getting frantic this year. The heat was seriously cuttin' into our outdoor party time and that's just sad. So now we're back to eating dinner outdoors and walking before the sun goes down. AND gardening is fun again. I do something garden every day when I get home from work and actually enjoy it.
We've added salad to the menu the past two weeks. There is enough for three of us this weekend. All other plantings are chugging along. Hopefully we'll have broccoli for Thanksgiving. Wouldn't that be nice with roasted butternut squash? I think so.
Zinnias are the garden star this month. They are so much prettier in person. I reckon you'll just have to come by and see them for the full effect.