Field peas are on tonight's dinner menu. With not enough sun or heat they had slowed down so much there is no point in going on so I picked them all and will cut off the tops leaving the roots to provided nitrogen for the lettuce I'll plant there.
Cool thing:
I am taking a class at the Ag Extension office on sustainable agriculture. Tuesday we were instructed on how to read our soil reports. I just checked online and mine report is not completed. I am so excited to know what our soil needs to produce optimally. My money is on lime and boron.
Bad thing:
Fire ants moved in under our wheat straw mulch and took over a corner of the broccoli, kale and cabbage patch. The quest for organic pesticides yielded a three prong approach. Boiling water, lawn mower on top of the mound, and two chemicals, spinosid and perethrins. A check of the nest this morning shows...NO ANTS! and that was with boiling water and lawn mower.
Good thing:
All cool weather crops are on go. Lettuce looks loverly. Cole crops look loverly. Mustard is loverly. I've brought out the wire to cover the beds for the frosty days ahead and have started another round of seedlings of Amish lettuce, Swiss Chard and Butternut.
Next thing:
Garlic of all varieties will go in when we have had a few more cool days and nights. Still in the 80's during the day. That's summer in some places.
Crunchy Summer Crisp lettuce |
Ciao for now.