Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Winter to Spring, Maybe

Our native honeysuckle, planted against a brick wall, has bloomed all winter. It was ready and waiting for the hummers. 
Winter is hanging on here with white knuckles. We just cannot shake it! Last night I covered tomatoes because temps fell into the 30's. Have mercy! 80 degrees one day, 50 the next.

We've started our new bed. The Serviceberry we planted last Fall survived. Yay! It is in the No Dig, Foodscape experiment bed. Watch Charles Dowding on Youtube  for details on No Dig. He's also written several books. Brie Arthur from NC introduced me to the foodscape concept. We'll see how it goes...plants already there are doing well for now.

What's planted and growing?
Lettuce (Black Seeded Simpson, Romaine, Oakleaf, Red Sails)
Swiss Chard
Carrots (Scarlett Nantes, Red Core Chantenay)
Leeks, onions, garlic
Kale (Lacinto, Curly Dwarf)
Broccoli (DiCicco)
Potatoes (White, Yukon Gold, Red Norland, Russian Banana)
Radishes (Cherry Belle)
Beans (Contender)
Herbs (Rosemary, Parsley, Fennel, Sage, Chives, Borage, Dill, Basil
Tomatoes (That's another post)

The humming birds have been here since the last week of March. They feed at our native honeysuckle daily! Yay, again!