I'm a Southern woman with family roots in farming. An Appalachain State University graduate, married, and the mother of two grown, and very nice, children. I am recently retired with a long-time hobby of growing flowers, vegetables and houseplants. Now a member of Robeson County Extension Volunteer Master Gardeners (earned in April 2017) I am excited to give to my community through gardening and gardening related events.
To learn more about the North Carolina State University sponsored Master Gardener program contact your county North Carolina Cooperative Extension office.
But, you don't have to be have certifications to be a good or even great gardener. Nor do you need a class to have fun and have a beautiful garden. Just go outside dig a hole and pop in some seeds and life will happen! Just do it!
Wild thing, you make my heart sing, You make everything, Groovy.a
1 comment:
I love all your photos! I am reading your blogs now and love them so far. I love cats and dogs, and, well....all animals really. Hubby abd I have three miniature poodles, and love them dearly. Please check out my photos on FaceBook as well. I am Kathy Gerulaitis, and thanks...I am new at bloging.....but, hey...it's now or never!
1 comment:
I love all your photos! I am reading your blogs now and love them so far.
I love cats and dogs, and, well....all animals really. Hubby abd I have three miniature poodles, and love them dearly. Please check out my photos on FaceBook as well. I am Kathy Gerulaitis, and thanks...I am new at bloging.....but, hey...it's now or never!
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