Thursday, March 27, 2014

Flu bug

One year ago...

Hmmm. The shot helps but flu is still some powerful mojo, bad juju, icky poo. Didn't care if my garden lived or died. I thought about it but I couldn't act on it. To the rescue, doo-doo-di-doo!!! Scott! He covered everything with Johnny's Seeds handy-dandy garden fabric and saved the day. Now we need a nice soaking rain. Not his superpower.

In the not much to report category: Scott harvested our first and only (so far) asparagus spear this weekend. We wait. For warmer days and nights paired with ample sun and rain. Then we will have beautiful salads, sweet peas and broccoli, brilliant beets and carrots, and tangy greens. The good life couldn't be gooder for anyone, anywhere, when there are just picked vegetables on your dinner plate.

In the crossed fingers category are the apple trees. This is it. Either we start getting apples this year or, I fear, the gig is up. They have all three set buds that are swelling and my hopes are high. Please, please, please. I so want to win this one. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Forth!

Pronounced oy-yah. 

Check out our tater bed. It is a beautiful thing. Tilled finely by A1 shoveler Scott, enriched with Joy's composted chicken manure, designed by me.  Lovin' those estate sale pots repurposed as ollas,  I'm going to pull up a chair and take it in while the birds twitter, dogs at my feet, on this fine sunny day. Nothing like the satisfaction of a garden task completed.
Ciao for now!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Garden fabric

Couple weeks ago I ordered garden fabric for next year. This weekend we used it to cover or current winter veggies. Winter is so not done with us Southerners just yet.

Here is what I've learned about the gauzy fabric: It works if the wind doesn't blow it loose.

Ya know those caricatures of winter? The blue and white, cloud-face blowing curls of wind? That Winter blew off and tore  my garden fabric. I keep going out in the frigid cold and tucking it back in because that's what gardeners do; perseverate; persevere.

It has crossed my mind that we might get lucky on the back side of this winter and have a cool, rainy summer. Wouldn't that be nice? Yes it would. For example, like last July 4th.
Reminds me of Uncle Tom's home movies of crops in the 1950's  :)