Friday, August 1, 2014


And pretty maids all in a row. 

This summer we have sliced tomatoes with every meal. It is wonderful! The Mountain Magic's are working for us with more ripening on the bushes every day. That's right. We are letting them ripen on the plants. There's Buffy-(The -Vampire-Slayer) our newest dog and a scarecrow that scares even me holding a balloon, to deter squirrels. To date it is working.

Okra. It's huge. It's healthy. It isn't making pods. Is that the area of the garden where we spread Joy's  chicken fertilizer? May be. Maybe we overdid it. Time will tell.

This week I:
1. Sowed beet seed. They are up.
2. Sowed yellow snap beans (Scott really likes them.) They are up.
3. Sowed carrots. They are not up.
4. Found aphids on field peas. What?! Sprayed with garden hose and smushed in hand to bug combat.       Argh! A win/lose deal. Icky bug juice on fingers. Yuk.
5. Sowed broccoli and cabbage seed. They are up.
6. Did not join the fitness center because digging the garden is workout enough for me.

Ooooo! And I ordered seed potato for fall planting from Burpee's. This will be my experiment for the year. Will it work? Mother Earth News says it will.

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