Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lumber River Fun

What's hap'nin?!
Thanksgiving and the 15th Annual Black Friday Black Water Princess Ann Festival again. Both were very, very nice. 
I made a pecan pie, then Katie made another one. Brilliant! Scott fried a turkey. Brilliant! We ate kale from the garden. Brilliant! That was Thanksgiving.

 On the third day, Black Friday, we piled canoes, kayaks, dogs, food and people into cars and trucks and high tailed it to The River, again. We really don't know how long we've done it but one year Hanna tipped over in her kayak and lost her glasses. Another year Will brought a friend, last year his sweetie. Richard's mom and dad came one year. Dana lives on in our memories, now. Megan, Brandon, Dee and Walt came at least twice. Once when the kids were very young and again when they were old enough to pilot the boats independently. That was a really fun day. We played pirates on the and attacking each other on that warm Indian summer day. Lawrence came one year. We showed him where we find Indian artifacts. Jonathan hasn't been in many years but that last year he went out in the canoe with me. I remember as if it were just last week. Katie has filled in twice as the only kid. Both times there were rousing games of horse shoe. She wins every year. Focus. She has focus and form. This years pics...

Click on the picture above and you will see dozens of turkey vutures returning to their evening roost. 

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