Sunday, March 17, 2013

Plant now!

March update:
Garden sown carrots, radishes, lettuces, and bok choi are up! Tiny seedlings that get a mist with water every day so they won't dry out.
Tranplanted broccoli, brussels and lettuces are looking good. The cold nor cutworms hurt them. Potatoes are in the ground but not up yet. I won't believe they worked until I see shoots coming up.  We added more asparagus to our plot. Last year's plants are sending up fat shoots. I transplanted savoy cabbage grown from seed this afternoon.
Cutworms decimated our peas. I am seriously 'bout to open up a can o' chemicals. I'm all about Neem and BT and hand squishing but it's been take-no-prisoners with Us-0, Them-All. The worms ate my beet seedlings too! We replanted shelling peas and snow peas after soaking them overnight in a cup of warm water just this morning and I planted more beets because I am on a mission to succeed with beets.
Roma tomato seeds and summer crisp lettuce are in pots of very warm soil under my new cover.
Check out the Featured Video of how to make one on the organic gardening page of Mother Earth News. It is no-brainer easy. I did it all by myself last Saturday morning. It works!  Made with fencing, plastic sheeting, and drum roll for multi-tasking, a stapler. It's light enough for lil' ole' me to pick up and move around and took just a few minutes to put together. Brilliant!

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