Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beans and Peas

I planted green beans sequentially but it looks like they are all going to produce at the same time. Sometimes the only thing to say is OMG! How'd that happen?

Then, thinking, 'I sure would like some field peas', I planted seeds from 2010 expecting a so, so germination rate. Uh. They all germinated which led to the hard, right thing. Thinning.  They are growing like crazy on my tee-pee/tripod structure I made from cast off, found wood. That bad boy is over eight feet tall and is totally awe-some. I am very proud of my lashing attempt and the fact that I did it all by myself. Cool. Pictures later. It's about to storm.

State Fair Zinnia

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Don't give up on zuccas!

This year, I successfully managed the squash, I think. I planted many more than I expected to live knowing that squash borers would get some (and they did). Finally, my forty four living plants bore fruit at a steady pace.
Almanac Gardener farm extension agents assured viewers however to prepare for the worst, because that's just the way it is, not to give up, but to plant squash successively, brave garden warrior! I did as advised knowing from past experience that my four, reliable producers would give out.
It's been ugly, ugly, fellow earth turners. Early losses, seeds failed to germinate, and seedlings that languished for no discernable reason. Despite Neem oil, aluminum foil, garlic-onion-cayenne pepper spray and some needle piercing of nasty, life sucking, caterpillars powdery mildew was the KO punch.
It's been ugly, ugly, fellow earth turners. Early losses, seeds failed to germinate, and seedlings that just sit without growing. Not to mention those pale, slimy squash borers. But... I have another in the wings with a small zucca forming. I planted a new seedlings yesterday and more seeds gave sprouted. Victory! I think. 
The  squash we have harvested made yummy casserole for a family reunion and other dinners, fried squash succotash, zucchini pancakes and, most luscious and infinitely more healthy, tiny squashes halved and baked with a brush of olive oil and a sprinkle of parmesan.
Round 2

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 4th

Happy 4th
Fifty years ago, July 4th 1963, my father took my brother and me out to the family farm to pick blackberries, wild blackberries, thorns and all. Our family had just moved back to North Carolina. I was 10, Charlie 9. Sisters stayed home; too young. We were instructed to make plenty of noise to scare off bears and snakes. Oh yeah, we were out in the woods. Charlie and I were good at the noise part. Turns out we were good at picking blackberries too. It was really special to spend time with just my father, no babies and no Betty.  I'm sure a pie was made with those berries because Daddy loved all baked sweets. This year, as if in celebration of a half century of blackberry love, our domesticated, thornless berries are plump and ripening this week. I stood in the backyard this morning and ate my fill transported back to that magical family time. How sweet it was.

Monday, July 1, 2013


What a great summer we've had! I know, there are haters. They've hated the cool Spring and this year's abundant rain but me and my garden, we're lovin' it. I'm getting a fistful of green beans every day, and over a period of three days that is just right amount for husband Scott and me to have with dinner. We're still eating cabbage that's keeping in the fridge. It is the sweetest and juiciest we have ever harvested. Squash, yellow and green, matures every day. The yellow summer squash is the lumpy, bumpy kind. I love it.  The tomatoes are coming off at last. Banana peppers are old reliables. Okra is up and sweet potatoes slips were planted to replace the potatoes dug up last weekend. Both would love some blistering hot days. Me? Not so much. Last night's dinner was mostly vegetables: smothered green beans and potatoes, corn and tomatoes. I know, I should'a made corn bread. Our beans are yellow and green thanks to Scott. Great,fun, eating.  A delicious home cooked meal. I think Daddy would be pleased and more than a little surprised.