What a great summer we've had! I know, there are haters. They've hated the cool Spring and this year's abundant rain but me and my garden, we're lovin' it. I'm getting a fistful of green beans every day, and over a period of three days that is just right amount for husband Scott and me to have with dinner. We're still eating cabbage that's keeping in the fridge. It is the sweetest and juiciest we have ever harvested. Squash, yellow and green, matures every day. The yellow summer squash is the lumpy, bumpy kind. I love it. The tomatoes are coming off at last. Banana peppers are old reliables. Okra is up and sweet potatoes slips were planted to replace the potatoes dug up last weekend. Both would love some blistering hot days. Me? Not so much. Last night's dinner was mostly vegetables: smothered green beans and potatoes, corn and tomatoes. I know, I should'a made corn bread. Our beans are yellow and green thanks to Scott. Great,fun, eating. A delicious home cooked meal. I think Daddy would be pleased and more than a little surprised.
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