Tomatoes. I have about sixty plants. 😐 |
Spring is on the calendar and I, in anxious anticipation, started all manner of seedlings in all places. Fortunately small lettuces do not mind frost/freeze if covered so we re-covered, again. A gardening version of spin the bottle.
I put out broccoli seedlings and Swiss chard thinking a warming trend would begin a-a-and had to cover. Beets, you're on your own. Maybe I will cover them before the cold settles tonight. Maybe. Bright sunny days yield frost at night this year.
RobCo Master Gardeners' Spring Symposium featured Greg LeHoullier, self proclaimed Tomato Man. First, he declared tomato seeds are viable for up to twelve years. Good thing I hoard seeds. Testing his theory I found my six year olds were. I also used a modified version of his germination method and now have entirely too many of every type of tomato I planted.
Here's the list:
Mountain Magic
Mountain Fresh
Yellow pear
Lemon Ice (dwarf)
Pink Passion (dwarf)
All have been separated, replanted and are thriving.
Now we wait for warmer weather. And, I will buy some more heirloom tomato seeds.
There are other seedlings up. Beets, leeks, ground cherries, borage.
Failed twice are the basil seeds.